Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My advices.

Spread love, enjoy life, accept unfortunate events, book some flights, ask for forgiveness, entertain people, hug trees, improve your sexuality, exercise your body, read books, study to get smarter, measure your children's height, pray for luck, obtain respect, please your lover, preserve the world, relax at the beach, remember where you come from, reproduce, suck on a strawberry lollipop, squeeze your pets, be afraid of the dark, whine about the war, arrive on time, breathe deeply, challenge yourself, gaze at the stars, see the sunrise, imagine the world as John Lennon imagined it, kiss the bride, manage your money, plan even though it's unnecessary, plant some trees, write a story, seal some deals, vanish for two days when you're young, welcome friends to your home and love as there's no tomorrow.

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